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January 13, 2009


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Sue Mahaffie

Wow first to comment- must be the time change here in Australia!!! Love the new flowers and the pom pom trim- sure cna use that somewhere!!!! thanks


Loving all the peeks. I need to get me some of those wonderful pins!!!

Tina Mayo

wow, that is some really cute stuff, I don't know how you all keep doing it... love all the girly stuff.. and that apple album is a definite must have!! Thanks for all your hard work!!

mandie segura

I LOVE those flowers! They're gorgeous!


You are killing me with this awesome stuff!
Just gorgeous!!!

Cassi -- aka Mrs. T

omg -- so excited for trinket flowers, trinket pins, and that fabulous new album. maya road winter release is going to be expensive for me!


I LOVE ribbons and flowers so I'm in heaven right now! I am very excited for the velvet ribbon especially!! Thanks for sharing more peeks!


You guys keep coming up with this stuff - I'm going to have to get a JOB!

Shemaine Smith

I love the new fibers and ribbons!!! Amazing stuff from all the great Design Team girls!!!!That apple album is like the cutest ever!Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Bobbi J

I can't wait to get my hands on those trinket pins.

Lisa T.

Oh my I love it all! The textures, the colors, it's all beautiful!

Elaine Allen

These are simply beautiful. I love the pins, what a great idea, and so pretty. And the ribbons, well, I'm still fanning myself - they are so hot.

Thank you
Elaine Allen

rebecca k

Love the flowers, trim, pins and apple album--what awesome peeks!


those leaf pins are gorgeous! Love the apple of my eye mini album too

Janet Ang

Love the flowers and the pins! Wow! Gotta get some of these yummy goodies soon!

Heidi Y

Love those velvet trims & beautiful pins!! Gorgeous...


i love the pins! and the crochet ribbon. Also the velvet ribbon. And your prices are so darn reasonable.


I'm pitiful-thank goodness everyone is asleep but the dogs. As I scrolled down the page, out loud I was going oooh, ahhh, uuuh! It just keeps getting better and better!


I love the pins. I will be buying plenty of these to help create some flower arrangements where I saw decorative pins in the center of roses. Beautiful.

Terri K

love love LOVE all the wonderful trimmings! Can't wait to get my hands on some and play!!!

Cassandra Lewis

Love everything!! Great new stuff!!!

Bibi R.

OMGoodness!! Lovin' it all already!!

jackie in Alaska

What an eyefull! A complete relief to cabin fever on this cold, snowy day here in Alaska! The trims, pins and flowers make me think of wonderful treasures hiding in a beautiful old hat box stashed away in a closet just waiting to be discovered. I can't wait to get my hands on some and start creating! Thank you.


Looks great! Love the flowers!


I love the new products- especially the dinosaur book- I HAVE to get one of those!

Kim M

Those flowers and ribbon, you sure know the way to a girl's heart, LOL!!! Fabulous!!!!


drooling! i want them all! those are all GORGEOUS!!!

Debbie O'Neal

Flowers and Ribbons and Pearl Pins OH MY ! WOW - i just love all of these new things. I can't wait to get some and start making my own MR Mini Albums. Great job DT on the inspiration pieces.

Erin Glee

Love all these sneak peeks! WOW!

Lauri {Scrap Attack}

WOW, love it all!! So yummy!!


I love the colours, so fresh
the mind is ticking already

Cheryl McKinney

Unlike Jackie in Alaska, I'm here in San Diego's 80 degree weather looking at the delightful colors of flowers with pearls and ribbon to match and am thinking Spring already!! Can't wait to put Maya Road on all of my new projects! Thanks for sharing!!


You guys rock! I always look forward to seeing what you've dreamed up...and what great dreamers you are!

Julie Masse

LOVE it all!!! Truly love the pom pom trim -I hoard mine! :) those flowers look so pretty!!


The flowers and pins are absolutley gorgeous!

Amy Smith

Wow!! Wow!! Wow!! I really love Maya road.... can't wait to get some of these goodies!

Jennifer Hansen

Loving the trims!


wow..the double stitch velvet ribbon now with flowers to match!!i am still dreaming of the lovely cone xmas tree.. i will start to dream spring now ;-) thanks for giving us all the chance to enter.. awesome eye candy ;-) regards..P

Kimberly (pierides)

Ooo..the leaf stick pins are great and the new flowers are lovely.

Christine C

Great stuff, I love those pins and the pom pom trim is too cute for words.

Jeanie Nieva

lovely!i'm drooling!please pick me. :)


I want it all!!! I love the velvet flowers and trim.

Allison Cope

Oh my goodness! Everything is delicious!!!


Oh, those pins... They really are to die for! Gorgeous!!!!

Heather H.

Those flowers are beautiful!!!! So many yummy new things!!! Can't wait!!!!!

Stacy C.

Love it all!!! Great job DT!!!!

Erica Hettwer

I love your trims and I seriously love, love, love those leaf pins!!!


love the sneak peeks!! love the pom pom ribbon and the flowers and the vintage pins and the double stitched ribbon...oh just love it all!! :) what fun new product to play with! :)


so many new things for me to love/crave/hunt down.....

amy christine

be still my heart... an apple album!? what could be better!
i love those trims and the pins too.
this is definitely looking to be a great bunch of new releases. :]


love the flowers and the trims !


Yeah, great peeks so far. Loving the new colors!


My gooddness! I want them all! Such great products as always.


The pins and flowers are a dream come true! I love the look and texture of the flowers. Thanks.

Abby V

You guys are killing my budget. I love, love, love, all of your releases. So far I have been really good and broken my goodies budget this year but as I look at all the new stuff, my resolve is weakening and I might just break the bank once the new goodies come out. It's only January and I'm already in trouble!


I love all of the colors! great stuff!!


adorable! love love love the leafy pins!!


WOW....some great stuff here. I love your flowers....and what a great price. I also really love the pins. Good luck with your new products

Cindi T

Love the pins and new albums in this sneak. Can't wait to see more.


Oh my oh my, oh my! I need those flowers and the green leaf pins. What beautiful colors you've chosen for these new products.


love the layer book, the trims and pins. :)

Beth Warren

Love all the peaks but especially the new layer book - yum!


Love all the new stuff, am curious to see how the pins are used, I've always found it hard to use that but they are gorgeous. Love the new trims and new books, especially the layer book!


Lots of yummy new eye candy, and can't wait to see more projects by the Design Team incorporating the new products!

J. Harmon

So excited about all of the beautiful new releases!

Beverley Cunningham

Gorgeous eye candy love the flowers pins and ribbons


Very cute flowers! :D


Holy mackerel!! Love the flowers & gorgeous pins!!

Teresa Abajo

Beautiful samples made with beautiful products!

Shannon Sawyer

The stick pins rock! I've never seen pearl stick pins that look like that. They are going to really add elegance to a card, project &/or page. We are only on sneak peek day two and my question is do you guys ever get it wrong?? Everything you come out with is so awesome. Maya Road rules! (Ok I'm showing my age with that saying.)


Cant Wait to play with the new trims.


Oh, those pompoms are just toooooo cute!! Gorgeous little flowers too!!


Love the new layer book.


Woooow..those pins and beautiful flowers, love them!

Mia C.

OMG! I think I'm in love! I just heart those flowers! Yummo! And the pom pom trim! Must have, literally! Oh, and those pins are the BOMB! Can't wait to get my hands on these!

Patti R.

Loving the flowers and the leaf pin. Awesome.


Absolutely love all of them!!!


Those flowers are gorgeous!!!!! I can't wait to see them in person! I am loving the trims too, all of it is just beautiful!!! Looking forward to seeing more peeks! Thanks!


oh my those pins.....i know for sure i will be getting them

Wendy G.

Oh boy!

Love the blast of colour and textures of your blossoms - and the pearl and leaf pins?! Too cute!


Wow, can't wait for all the new products to hit the stores-Love the trims and the pins!!!

Carmen O

Wow great sneak peeks! I love the pins and the flowers, but everything is awesome!!

Holly Hanks

*drool* The flowers, the flowers! They're so beautiful! They look like antique pieces of jewelry!

Pamela Bennett

Gorgeous peaks, can`t decide what I love the most the vintage pins or the velvet ribbon and ohhh those flowers are beautiful!!!

Theresa Grdina

This stuff is unbelievable!! I LOVE the beautiful colors and the rich ribbon! I gotta' have it all!!!!

Anna Sigga

OMG!!!! Those flowers are so pretty, the ribbons are too yummy and I NEED those pins!!! Basically I need everythign from MR this CHA!!!! ;o)


These may be my favorite if I can have a favorite. I have to get my hands on these. Beautiful!


Heavens...I can't wait to go shopping for these goodies! Love them!


Oh wow, love it all!! My favourites are the flowers and the apple album, super cute :)


oh wow! love the apple chip board albums and the flowers. I can see myself making an project with them.

Jennifer R

Ohhh I love the new trims and pins....great stuff :)

christine c

love the flowers and pins. they are SO cool. can't wait to get some for myself.


Love everything, can't wait to use...thanks

Jodi Addy

I am so inspired! I love the new pom pom trims!

Janine Berlin

Love the pins. PomPoms too!!! The pricing is too goo to be true.

Lynn Judge

Love love love it all!!! Amazing

teresa chapman

Oh my goodness - I love them all! My debit card is going to be smoking when these goodies are ready for purchase. I can't wait!




Those double-stitched, velvet beauties are going to make ribbon a hot item again! Love everything I'm seeing so far - keep it coming!

Tami Franz

How beautiful!


Very cute! I love the pom-pom and crochet trims ... and the layered album!

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