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June 09, 2011


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Renee J.

These projects are awesome!!

Lowri McNabb

That mini-album is just gorgeous!

Natasha G.P.

I love the canvas products. I just love the texture!!!

Sharon Gullikson

The bottle cap is adorable. I just made a bottle cap magnet, and it turned out really well. I also love your new chipboard.

B. Poteraj

The bird chip board is sooooo cute. I need some.

Kelly Sas

I am loving your canvas products!

Annika E

Great releases as always! Maya Road rocks!

Wendy Orme

Love these projects and your products!


Thank you for the creativity. Love the canvas and the bottle caps!!!!

Libby m

Loving everything here!

Lara Carson

I ADORE these projects especially the Moments layout! So lovely!

Mary Anne Perlmutter

The mini album is so sweet. The pages in this album is chocked full of interesting Maya Road products. Thank you for sharing.

Laura Ashcraft

I am inspired, I love mini albums!

Swimwear Bikinis

A bad shearer never had a good sickle.

Buy Sandals

All flowers are not in one garland

Ed Hardy

A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.

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