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April 22, 2006


lee woodside

Caroline you guys have come so far in such a short amount of time. Everyone adores your company and your product. To think it was only 2 years ago that I had the pleasure of meeting you all and sitting next to you at the 2peas dinner. Congrats on coming so far.


Love the LO - you look beautiful!

Congratulations on the growth and we can't wait to see what you guys come up with next!!!!


Caroline, I just wanted to pass on a recent experience I had with Jessica at MR. If anyone should be rewarded for service excellence, it is Jessica. I have been provided with the most excellent service from the word go and she has gone the extra mile for me. It is service like this, that will make me want to buy more from MR. You are still a relatively new company but what you have achieved is wonderful. You will go much further. And if the time came for me to provide you with constructive criticism, I will make sure it is done in a way which will push you further ahead. So all the way from South Africa - well done to you, Deborah and all at MR.


caroline, I couldn't be prouder to be associated with any other company. MR has always been a positive and great company to work with. I'm so excited for you and Deb as you travel the upcoming paths of both your personal and professional lives.

You're ADORABLE pregnant! LOVE the layout!


MR is one of the best companies around. Both you and Deb are so cool (and David squared) and I am so glad that I can call you a friend. Of course, I am a bit addicted to your chipboard right now... but that is all good.
I am scared to see what your David came up with....

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