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April 05, 2006



You look FAB! At least you have a Chinese middle name picked out! We didn't. Couldn't agree on anything!


That photo is so neat! You look fabulous!! Congrats on being so busy (even though it probably doesnt always feel like a blessing). Take it easy (as much as possible) and enjoy these last 2 months with your hubby as just the 2 of you.

That onsie sounds so cute!! What a great idea!


Sounds like you are doing awsome, but with the company...and the baby! That little man is really poppin' out there! Can't wait to see his picture! Good luck with the baby naming!

Heather M.

What a cool photo!!!!! Good luck getting the rest of your orders out!

Joanna Bolick

You are not huge! You are teeny teeny tiny! Can't wait to hear his name!

Ali Dub

Woohoo - you has growed and growed! (We are stoked over here in little ol NZ - have just managed to get some very cool MR product in our local store after much nagging .. hee hee it worked!


okay...can I just say how hard I laughed at "poduct of Maya Road"? LOL! And so cute, too!


Nice! I think I can still see the 6-pac. :)

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