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December 13, 2009



Lots of holiday traditions in our house but I think my most favourite holiday tradition is decorating the tree with the kids and putting the ornaments on the tree that the kids have made and the ornaments that are special to the family.


I've started a new tradition this year. I've stamped the numbers from 1 to 24 onto some small muslin bags and popped a chocolate coin in each of them. Number 24 also contains a chocolate Father Christmas! Then I've hung them from the tree and we help my son find the right number each morning. It's so much fun, much nicer than a commercial Advent calendar.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Christina Ocampo

Our favorite family holiday tradition is purchasing a new ornament for our tree every year. Love seeing the past ornaments every year its time to decorate our tree. Happy holidays to your & your family!


I love our tradition of my son getting to open a present on Christmas eve. It is a prsent from me and his daddy (he still believes in Santa). It really gets him excited for the next morning. His excitement is something I love each year!! Those reindeer are adorable! TFS!


We have a traditional chinese dinner on Christmas Eve and open presents afterwards.

Allie H

My favorite holiday tradition is watching my nephews open their gifts. And run over to hug whoever gave that particular gift and say "Thank you Aunt Allie". It's so cute!


My favorite Christmas tradition is to drive around after Church services and look at all the other lights and decorations.


My favorite holiday tradition is getting new pajamas and socks for Christmas.


ITA! the team is the best!! my personal favorite tradition is the december daily album.

Debbie Ivester

My mother made each of my 3 children a hanging out of felt that had some yard tied through a button. They got to untie a ribbon each day in December and when they reached the last yarn ribbon they knew Santa was coming that night. We still have the hangings and even though they are married and in their early 20's they still say they are never too old to untie that yarn ribbon.


Going home for Christmas and spending it with my mom and all my siblings. We sing Christmas songs around the tree on Christmas eve. We are together every other year.

Barbara C.

My favorite tradition is opening one present on Christmas Eve. In it was pajamas to wear Christmas morning. I have continued that tradition with my children. They look so good in new PJ's.
Love your idea for keeping a record of how big their feet and hands get.


Love the new look! BTW do you know what the grandparents do with them?


I started a new tradition last year... I take the sheer snowflake key chain & put my sons picture on one side & their name & year on the other, add MR ribbon & voila...a cute little keepsake ornament. Merry Christmas to you & your family :)


I always give my girls new jammies and a Christmas ornament each year and, even though they're now in their 20's, they still look forward to opening these treats on Christmas Eve.


putting up the christmas tree with the family.

rebecca keppel

Definitely baking cookies. My Mom and I would spend all day baking and listening to christmas music, without even stopping for lunch. By the end we were exhausted, covered in flour and nauseas from eating dough and no food! But we always had the best time.

Erika M

Watching my dad make homemade sugar cookies with his grandchildren. They make a huge mess but make yummy cookies.

Kim M

Our favorite holiday tradition is on Christmas Eve, we take the time out from all the hustle and bustle to gather just us and our children and have the Lord's supper. It helps us to take a minute during this busy time to remember the reason for the season.

Cheryl S.

Our tradition is the handing of a friendship ball from one member to the next. It has been lots of fun all these years

Nancy B

Love baking cookies with my kids a few days before Christmas, and a big Christmas morning breakfast.


I think something we've always been doing is that my dad does a turkey on Christmas morning so that it's ready for the party. One of the things that we love about it is that while he's marinating the turkey, he makes it dance! It's pretty entertaining :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Vicki H.

My favorite holiday tradition is giving to charity to remember and share the true spirit of Christmas. :) Thanks for the opportunity, and a Warm and Wonderful Holiday Season to you and yours and a Bright and Peaceful New Year ahead! =)

Laura Stewart

definitely dinner with the family!


When I was a kid, we made whatever tree we could with our meager budget, so it was a bit of a mish mash tree on most years. Now that I have my own two boys, it is their turn to get excited about setting up the tree. We now have an 8foot tree, with ornaments accumulated and received from friends over the years. My boys love setting it up with me -- Christmas is just not ready without the tree.

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