So many friends I know do a December Daily Album to document what they do every day til Christmas for the month. I always start with the best of intentions to do a complete December Daily Album but alas it has been a couple of years since I have been able to start or even complete one. December is a big blur in the schedule of Maya Road, the kids, traveling and family. I might do a weekly December album but every day is tough.
At the beginning of November, some of my friends had told me they were doing a daily November thankfulness - many are posting on Facebook. I decided I would create my Thanks Album in place of something done daily in December.
Here is what I started this last week:
I used our 5" x 5" tabbed binder with kraft pages. You will see more of this album next week when it has more thankful pages inside. The cover isn't totally done - need to finish up the letters. Do I mist? Do I glitter? Decisions, decisions!
Here is what I have completed so far:
Lost of journaling and a couple of photos here and there. Just thoughts to put down on paper.
So much to be thankful for and trying to take 10 mins a day to remember that.
Can't wait to see more! Love the album cover!
Posted by: slammie | November 08, 2011 at 02:57 PM