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January 24, 2012


laura plunk davis

I feel your pain...
I also was helpless when my dad was diagnosed with cancer, well not exactly I was the daughter who was here and I did all I could to help while my mom took care of my dads needs. As much as we wanted a cure it was not to be and had to face letting him go. It will be 10 years this Valentines day that he has been gone. We have survived....doesn't mean we don't miss him every day. My heart breaks for you and your family...I think of you often and feel your pain.

Miriam Prantner

Thanks for your transparency. I'll be praying for you.


Thinking of you and yours.

Cim Allen

My thoughts are with you and your family. I know it's not easy, been there myself. Just remember you have all of us in blogger land if you need "someone" to listen :)

April W

I'm so sorry for the pain you're all going through. Prayers coming your way...
- April W

Jen Chesnick

big hugs C- You are a lot stronger then me for sure! XOXOXO

Patty Del Rosa

Just know that we are thinking about you, your parents and your young family. My prayers go out to you all.


HUGS and P&PT heading out.


Caroline, I really hope your post was more as a journal entry for your own emotions than an apology to all of "us" out here in blog-land. Thank you, but you don't owe us anything. You need to deal with the struggles in your life the way you need to deal with them. Blessings, strength and grace to you and your family as you go through these issues.

Beatriz Farquhar

May the God of all comfort wrap you and your loved ones in His arms and fill you with peace and even joy of His presence in these difficult times. I've been there twice. Both parents struggled with cancer.

Vicki H. in Canada

I am so sorry to hear of all that you're going through and how tough it all must be. I can relate in some ways in that although my dad is not going through anything like the health issues that your dad is, he does have medical conditions and he is not a very compliant patient much of the time and my mom and and I have to go through all the different kinds of persuading that you mentioned you do with your dad, and even then we are not always successful. In that way, I think I can understand some of your frustrations.

I do hope that those who may be awaiting a communications response from you are understanding of your situation; this blog entry should hopefully go a long ways towards helping that.

Thank you so much for your honesty in your blog entries. I've been following your blog for a little while now, and the kind of candour you've shown can be rare to find, perhaps especially so among those in an executeive position, and I respect and admire you so much more because of it. I think what you are doing for your parents and family is incredible, especially in this age when everyone seems to be so busy with thier own immediate family and work life. That you take the time to write such honest and personal blog entries (which still have a caring and warmth to them) to be viewed by people who you don't even know and who (as another poster commented above) you certainly don't owe anything to is even more incredible. I hope that I'll be able to become the kind of daughter and person that you are.

Please know that thoughts and prayers are with you, and may I extend every good wish and vibe and the warmest of hugs! Keep strong, and good luck!


sending prayers up for your dad and your entire family.


Hugs. Just hugs.


No apology necessary! Sending prayers out for you and your family! :) (((hugs))))

Larissa Heskett

You are just fine!! Take the time that you need. We all go through hings in life that are hard and we may struggle at times, but you will find your self again and we will all be here when you do!!
My thoughts and prayers have been with you and your family!!

Mary Anne V.

So sorry you are going through a difficult time... I will be praying for you and your whole family.

jean keller

I am praying for peace for all of you . There is no easy way to do what you have to do . Love as much as you can and treasure the time, despite the sadness.Blessings.

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